But there will still be plenty of nostalgia for many who can just remember such an age - take a look at a few of our best retro archive pictures of Preston back in those days.
These are some incredible historic pictures, so have a look and see if you recognise any familiar sights or faces...
39 incredible scenes of Preston landmarks and buildings through the years from swimming baths to libraries

1. Back in 1961, Prestonâs smallest house, on Fylde Street, was demolished. It was reputed to have been built in 1869 during one day as a bet between two workmen. The other old properties on the south side of Fylde Street had already been demolished due to the construction of the new roundabout. Image and information courtesy of C. Charnley, Kate Yates, archivist, BAE Systems Heritage Image Collection, Warton, Preston Past and Present Facebook Group and Preston Digital Archive. Please send your nostalgic pictures and memories to [email protected] or the postal address below.
National World

3. Church Street / Fishergate, Preston c.1961 A policeman on point duty is seen directing traffic at the intersection of Glovers Court and Fishergate. The truncated remains of the Town Hall are seen at the far left.
National World

4. Penwortham Hill, Preston c.1960 View looking east before the widening took place in 1961 - 2. The row of trees on the right were removed during this new construction. The open space seen at far left is the former location of the gate Lodge that was moved to Hutton. Copyright Lancashire County Library and Information Service. www.lantern.lancashire.gov.uk/
National World