Corpus Christi Catholic High School was inspected on 27–28 February 2019 receiving the rating of 'Good'. The report reads: 'Leaders have worked effectively to foster good relationships between staff and parents and carers. Most parents work with the school to support pupils in improving their attendance and behaviour.'Corpus Christi Catholic High School was inspected on 27–28 February 2019 receiving the rating of 'Good'. The report reads: 'Leaders have worked effectively to foster good relationships between staff and parents and carers. Most parents work with the school to support pupils in improving their attendance and behaviour.'
Corpus Christi Catholic High School was inspected on 27–28 February 2019 receiving the rating of 'Good'. The report reads: 'Leaders have worked effectively to foster good relationships between staff and parents and carers. Most parents work with the school to support pupils in improving their attendance and behaviour.'

Secondary school offer day 2023: this is how every high school in Preston is currently rated by Ofsted

Nervous youngsters and their parents will find out today whether they have got into the school of their choice.

For some there will inevitably be disappointment as they miss out on getting their first choice secondary and will instead have to settle for their second or even third pick.

Last year, an overwhelming majority of pupils in Lancashire went to their preference school, with figures for secondary school admissions, released by Lancashire County Council, showing that 86.27 per cent of pupils got their top pick. And this year, around nine in ten of Lancashire pupils got into their first choice school.

But for those not so lucky, Ofsted may well be one of the first places they turn to for information about their new school.

Here’s a rundown of the latest inspection reports published by the education watchdog for secondaries across the Preston area, including a summary of its findings and the school’s all important rating.