May was warmer and dryer than average13:59
Doctor retires after 34 years in her home town12:00
Mortgage approvals down to seven-month low in April17:19
England golfers clinch victory at Preston19:48
Motorcyclist suffers broken legs in road accident14:49
Book review: The Women of the Castle by Jessica Shattuck14:18
Corbyn to take part in live TV debate despite May boycott10:20
Community unites to celebrate life of homeless man08:31
Hero neighbours risk lives to save elderly man after 'gas explosion'14:33
George Ross's son takes on Three Peaks Challenge for Heartbeat09:21
Gossip: Trio on Wenger's wish list?10:08
VIDEO: Watch moment Liam Gallagher sings Live Forever for victims of Manchester bombing09:19
CCTV APPEAL: Man attempts to pay with fake note at Lytham shop15:22
Things to do this weekend (June 3 and 4)10:02
Door still open for Rooney17:01
Dutch visitors lend backing to fracking protest09:05
Brad can make the step up for Bamber Bridge09:55
Investigation launched after claims South Ribble Councillor verbally abused mum16:06
Brookside Care Home gains award for care reviews13:53
Britain's Got Talent final moved to avoid Manchester concert clash10:44
When Preston North End won 'the Cup Final that wasn't'14:58
Bands join forces to support Manchester bomb appeal16:26
How passengers hit by British Airways IT failure can claim compensation11:20
Hustings event at UCLan cancelled14:03
Leading HIV charity calls for home-testing kits to be stocked on the high street09:37
Delays after crash on the M6512:09
Costly '˜floor to ceiling' makeover to re-open popular pub17:50
Boy's hair cut for Derian House11:36
Only June 8 vote matters, insists May after latest poll suggests hung parliament18:44
Anti-fracking protest blocks busy road again18:42
New roads scheme getting ever closer13:34
One in three men admit they are punching above their weight13:31
Coastal house prices soar by £400 a month over past decade09:59
Cross stars to send Leyland top of table20:29
Boy, 13, '˜breaks leg' in woods fall13:12
Brits get '˜the fear' from financial commitments14:54
Milton set for Grand return08:50
Preston thug who bit and punched woman is jailed12:33
Lane closed on southbound M6 after lamp post catches fire13:20
Home secretary in '˜cuckoo land'07:46
Screaming gunman sparks terror at Orlando Airport14:40
New independent baby shop opens in Preston13:14
Primark's designer inspired makeup wins praise from beauty bloggers18:44
Foster carers by Royal command10:16
Protecting our precious children17:12
Lancaster jewellery thief jailed after series of burglaries19:52
Preston illegal tobacco factory bus sparked investigation into £17m trade09:21
REVIEW: Liam Gallagher's triumphant homecoming pays emotional tribute to victims of Manchester bombing14:22
PNE's Greg on the way back17:30
St Ledger hails Mac's impact at PNE07:00
Chances missed to save Stephen17:50
Readers' letters - May 3117:30
Readers' letters - May 2913:02
BGT live final moved to Saturday to avoid Manchester bomb benefit concert clash13:40
New drive at rehab complex for heroes15:10
Body of missing Lancaster man found in River Lune