They are snaps and stills from videos at various locations across Lancashire where people have spotted what they believed to be UFO's. They go back to the 1990s and round-up some of the news stories reporting UFO sightings. Some had explanations but others remain a mystery...
In case you missed them: UFOs like 'two spinning metal balls' filmed in sky over Blackpool

1. UFO sightings through the years
This insert picture shows a zoomed in image of a UFO spotted above Tulketh in Preston. The sighting is ringed in red, 2007 | National World

2. UFO sightings through the years
Mark Smith saw this 'UFO' in the sky above Preston | submit

3. UFO sightings through the years
This was spotted and snapped over Morecambe in 1998 | submit

4. UFO sightings through the years
UFO an unidentified flying object seen flying over Mill Dam Woods in Wigan over the heinz beans factory in 2006 | Mercury Press