Co-directed by Sam Holmes and Nick Winston, the show will be on at Blackpool’s Winter Gardens from December 12 to 30. From the producers of Hairspray and Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Shrek the Musical brings together a new creative team to re-imagine this award-winning Broadway and West End hit show for a new audience.
. Brandon Lee Sears, Antony Lawrence and Joanne Clifton of Shrek the Musical
Brandon Lee Sears, Antony Lawrence and Joanne Clifton of Shrek the Musical Photo: Jeff Spicer
. Shrek the Musical
Shrek the Musical Photo: Hugo Glenndinning
. Antony Lawrence of Shrek the Musical performs on stage during The National Lottery's Big Night Of Musicals.
Antony Lawrence of Shrek the Musical performs on stage during The National Lottery's Big Night Of Musicals. Photo: Jeff Spicer
. Antony Lawrence as Shrek
Antony Lawrence as Shrek Photo: Hugo Glendinning
. Brandon Lee Sears as Donkey
Brandon Lee Sears as Donkey Photo: Hugo Glendinning
. Joanne Clifton as Princess Fiona
Joanne Clifton as Princess Fiona Photo: Hugo Glendinning
1. Brandon Lee Sears, Antony Lawrence and Joanne Clifton of Shrek the Musical
Brandon Lee Sears, Antony Lawrence and Joanne Clifton of Shrek the Musical Photo: Jeff Spicer
2. Shrek the Musical
Shrek the Musical Photo: Hugo Glenndinning
3. Antony Lawrence of Shrek the Musical performs on stage during The National Lottery's Big Night Of Musicals.
Antony Lawrence of Shrek the Musical performs on stage during The National Lottery's Big Night Of Musicals. Photo: Jeff Spicer
4. Antony Lawrence as Shrek
Antony Lawrence as Shrek Photo: Hugo Glendinning