Preston North End's weekly wages according to Football Manager 2024

How much does every Preston North End player get paid on the virtual world of Football Manager 2024?

Football Manager is one of the most popular games available and it is played around the globe.

Sports Interactive's last edition FM24 released earlier this month, and Preston North End fans who have their say on what Ryan Lowe is doing can replace him in the hot seat in virtual reality Deepdale.

Lowe is doing pretty well right now and meeting expectations with the Lilywhites fifth in the Championship, so fans might want to start elsewhere rather than disrupt the good work he's doing. Football management is tough, and Football Manager tries to replicate the real world as much as possible. You've got to name your team, but can you keep everyone happy?

Are your tactics up to standard, and are you able to adapt if things aren't going your way? It's not just matches to think about too, as you've got to play a role in transfers, assemble your own backroom staff and also think of contract renewals.

In the real world, National League outfit Bromley recently advertised for a paid post that would see a gamer work alongside the London club. Football Manager and XBOX in partnership with Bromley launched 'The Everyday Tactician' which is a campaign to help support real-life boss Andy Woodman. The winning gamer will get the opportunity to join his coaching staff, and assist him where necessary.

Back to the virtual reality world, and if you choose to manage Preston North End then you'll meet the board on there, and have to sift through numerous meetings. It does also let you look at the squad, and when making transfer decisions, you can decide whether players are worth their money or not.

Here we look at Football Manager 2024’s estimated weekly wage for Preston North End's top players. (please note that per-week wages provided by the game may not be true to life).

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