Scheme aim to bridge gap between school and work

The business and enterprise department at Lancaster & Morecambe College hosted guest speakers as part of a programme which aims to bridge the gap between education and employment.

The employers spoke to the Level 2 and Level 3 business and enterprise students.

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Working Options is a programme of the MB Foundation and and raise the profile of the food, drink, retail and grocery industry (FMCG) as a career option.

Their aims are to raise the aspirations of college students and help prepare them for the world of work.

They fulfil their aim by bringing in speakers from the food, drink, retail and grocery industry to share their career journey stories with students, answer career related questions and network with them. We also have an information hub with helpful links and advice on careers, university, CVs and interviews.

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Each person talked about their journey from school to their current position, highlighting successes and challenges they met on the way and how they feel they have led to their overall success.

Following their stories they offered a Q&A with the learners where our learners had the opportunity to ask more specific questions and gain help, support and advice about their future careers or choices.

Business tutor Sarah Armstead said: “Having ‘real life’ business men and women talk to the learners inspired our students and helped them to understand firstly what employers are looking for when they are recruiting and what is required to be successful.”