A computer image of how the new building will look (image: Buttress Architects )A computer image of how the new building will look (image: Buttress Architects )
A computer image of how the new building will look (image: Buttress Architects )

This is what Preston's latest new apartment block will do to views of the city's skyline

A 19-storey apartment block overlooking Preston's plush new university square was granted planning permission last week.

As the Post reported, a planning officer at Preston City Council said that there was "nothing like [it]" in that corner of the city.

As part of the application, an exercise was carried out to determine the impact that the 120-dwelling building – at the junction of Moor Lane and Walker Street - would have on various different views of the Preston horizon.

These pictures show - and their descriptions explain - how the new block will appear depending on the direction in which you are looking towards it.

These pictures show - and their descriptions explain - how the new block will appear depending on the direction in which you are looking towards it.