Across Wyre, 21 planning applications were validated last week, meaning the council had checked they were complete and included all relevant supporting information.
They include the demolition of a takeaway, demolition of homes within a college's site and the construction of a new village hall amongst other applications.
Find out below where the plans were submitted for, what they involve and when the applications were submitted.
To find out more about the applications, visit the Wyre Planning System.

5. Primrose Hill Farm, Bull Park Lane, Hambleton FY6 9DD
Application validated on Mar 19 for cingle-storey rear infil extensions to form additional living accommodation, roof lift with new hip to gable to form attic room, external alterations to include new window positions, rendered exterior finish and the use of side flat roof as new roof terrace | Google Maps

6. Cavitech Solutions Ltd, Dorset Avenue. Thornton Cleveleys FY5 2DB
Application validated on Mar 19 for erection of commercial storage building (B8) in conjunction with existing business | Google Maps

7. Land south of A586 and north west of Copp Lane Great Eccleston Lancashire
Reserved matters application on Mar 19 for relating to appearance, access, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to outline planning permission 19/00860/OULMAJ for the erection of 343 dwellings, internal access roads, public open space including play facilities, and associated works including sustainable drainage system and the erection of a sub-station (pursuant to variation of conditions 1 (Approved Plans), 2 (Materials), 3 (Boundary Details), 4 (Boundary Treatments), 5 (Hard Surfacing), 6 (Landscaping), 10 (Phasing), 11 (Parking) and 12 (Waste Management) on permission 22/00761/RELMAJ) Photo: Google Maps

8. Thorpeys Takeaway, Lancaster Road, Cabus PR3 1AD
Application validated on Mar 20 for demolition of existing buildings and erection of two new buildings providing a total of four commercial (Class E) units with associated parking, access areas and landscaping | Google Maps