Across Blackpool and Fylde, 21 planning applications were validated last week, meaning the council had checked they were complete and included all relevant supporting information.
They include updates at the iconic Notarianni’s, the demolishment of a greengrocers to make way for homes and plans for a new solar farm among other applications.
Find out below where the plans were submitted for, what they involve and when the applications were submitted.
To find out more about the applications, visit the Blackpool Planning System or the Fylde Planning System.
17. Land east of Queensway (Richmond Point), Lytham St Annes FY8 3FY (2)
Application validated on October 9 for application to discharge condition 35 (configuration of estate road and interface between development parcels 3 and 4) of reserved matters approval 22/0938 | Google Maps

18. 34 North Drive, Blackpool FY5 3AQ
Application validated on October 10 for erection of a single storey rear extension. | Google Maps

19. 17 Lightwood Avenue, Lytham St Annes FY8 5PH
Application validated on October 10 for proposed removal of cherry tree from front garden within lytham avenues conservation area | Google Maps

20. 451 Waterloo Road, Blackpool FY4 4BW
Application validated on October 11 for provision of first floor rear balcony with 1.8m high privacy screen to sides and 1.1m glass balastrade to rear. | Google Maps