Schools and nurseries can be rated one of four grades: outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate, with a mix of ratings being given out this month.
If a school/nursery requires improvement, it is put under special measures, whilst good schools are checked less frequently.
Take a look at the schools that received reports in August below, including their classifications, highlights and areas that require improvement...
1. Schools with new Ofsteds August
All the schools across Lancashire who received new Ofsted reports in August | Google Maps
2. The Mericourt Nursery
Report published Aug 20 following an inspection on July 24. Classed as 'Good'. Highlights: welcoming and caring staff; children benefit from a wide breadth of exciting experiences; effective monitoring and assessment procedures. Improvements needed: support staff to promote children's communication and language skills with more
focus. Previous inspection: N/A. | Google Maps
3. Little Angels Nursery
Report published Aug 19 following an inspection on July 17. Classed as 'Requires improvement'. Highlights: staff place a strong focus on helping children to settle and build strong attachments; language-rich environment. Improvements needed: implement an effective curriculum; take all reasonable steps to minimise potential hazards to children; help staff to understand the importance of giving children time to respond to their questions.. Previous inspection: N/A. | Google Maps
4. Early Birds Private Day Nursery
Report published Aug 19 following an inspection on July 17. Classed as 'Good'. Highlights: ambitious and inclusive curriculum; well-qualified staff; safe and welcoming nursery. Improvements needed: enhance monitoring to check staff's understanding and implementation of
policies, so that practice is consistent with managers expectations. Previous inspection: Outstanding. | Google Maps