Women's median hourly pay is 32.7% lower than men's.Women's median hourly pay is 32.7% lower than men's.
Women's median hourly pay is 32.7% lower than men's.

Statistics show eight companies in Chorley that have a gender pay gap, including Alfa Leisureplex and GA Pet Food

Many employers across Chorley still have a gender pay gap, new figures show.

April 4 was the deadline for employers across Great Britain to submit their 2022/23 gender pay gap reports to the UK government. Returns from more than 10,000 companies and organisations across the country show four out of five (79.4%) still pay men more than women on average.

The results also reveal gender pay gaps remain at many employers in Chorley, such as Alfa Leisureplex Group, Taziker Industrial and GA Pet Food Partners.

Alfa Leisureplex Group said: “As we operate in the hospitality sector, our gender pay gap figures in 2022/23 were heavily affected by the pandemic and are not reflective of a ‘normal’ year, with the over 95% of our employees being furloughed during the reporting period. Our median pay gap in the last reporting period prior to the pandemic was 7.3% for our hotel division and 11.8% for the group, which is much lower than the national average.

"It is important to remember that a gender pay gap does not mean women and men are not paid equally for the same work. Our current gender pay gap results from a higher prevalence of men in management positions across the company, as seen in many organisations across the UK. As a result of the pandemic, more of our operational roles were furloughed, with our hotel and operations across the country closed down, which disproportionally affected our gender pay gap for 2022/23. We will always recruit the best person for the role regardless of gender or any other characteristic and the fact that the Group’s Managing Director is female, demonstrates that there are no barriers in our business when it comes to gender.”

Only workplaces with 250 or more employees have to submit a gender pay gap report. The gap is calculated as the difference between median hourly earnings of men and women, as a proportion of men’s earnings, excluding overtime and bonuses.

The figures also showed that 7.9% of employers in Great Britain reported no gender pay gap, and 12.7% were paid women more on average than men.

In Chorley, three employers actually paid women more: 1Life Management Solutions Limited (8.5% higher), Chorley Borough Council (5.7% higher) and Brothers Of Charity Services In Lancashire (3.5% higher).

How does your workplace compare? Here we list employers with the biggest gender pay gaps in Chorley.

You can also search for an employer’s gender pay gap using the interactive table on our sister site, NationalWorld.com.

Alfa Leisureplex Group said: “As we operate in the hospitality sector, our gender pay gap figures in 2022/23 were heavily affected by the pandemic and are not reflective of a ‘normal’ year, with the over 95% of our employees being furloughed during the reporting period. Our median pay gap in the last reporting period prior to the pandemic was 7.3% for our hotel division and 11.8% for the group, which is much lower than the national average.