How many new homes are being built in South Ribble and where are they?

How many new homes are being built in South Ribble and where are they?How many new homes are being built in South Ribble and where are they?
How many new homes are being built in South Ribble and where are they?
Number of new homes built in South Ribble from 2010-2017: 1,949

Number of those which were 'affordable homes' : 382

Number of homes expected to be built each year from now on: At least 300

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Where are the starter homes sites? Three sites in South Ribble have been identified and schemes developed at:

• The Maltings, Penwortham

• Altcar Lane, Leyland

• Duddle Lane, Walton-le-Dale

How many empty homes are there in the area? At the beginning of the year, there were 354 long term empty homes, which accounts for approximately 0.73% of total housing stock.

The biggest housing plan for South Ribble is currently under consultation. It is for 3,000 homes at Pickering's Farm, Bee Lane, Penwortham.

There are also plans for a further 850 new homes on the former Leyland Motors test track site between the Moss Side Industrial Estate and Longmeanygate. It has been unused since 2005