He’s only here for the Beardy

He’s already a summer festival favourite after an acclaimed spot at Kendal Calling, and has more than 50million You Tube views to his chosen name.

And next Wednesday night beatboxing champion Beardyman brings his Distractions tour to Lancaster University’s Nuffield Theatre.

Darren Foreman is also the creator of the Beardytron, a machine that lets him record and mix music in real time – one that enables musicians to get down the ideas in their head instantly, with no filter between the germ of a song and hearing it come alive.

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It runs on four iPads and two laptops “just below the speed of light” to enable Beardyman to process any song ideas he has, straight away being able to access hundreds of pre-sets made on myriad instruments and manipulating them in combinations to record and mix live.

Tickets from £9 (advance) call 01524 594151 or see www.lancasterarts.org