Victim support boost

Bernie KeenanBernie Keenan
Bernie Keenan
A scheme offering support to victims of crime is to be expanded, thanks to funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Under the banner ‘Better Together’, Safe and Secure has been running for over a year in South Ribble, bringing together South Ribble Council, Chorley Council, Progress Housing Group, Preston Care and Repair and Lancashire Constabulary.

So far it has helped over 50 households, providing a range of equipment to improve home security and enable people to feel safer in their home.

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Now £7,200 from the PCC means it can support a Witness Support Programme operated by Progress Housing Group.

Bernie Keenan, executive director of Progress Housing Group, said: “The partnership is very appreciative of this extra funding which will enable us to provide a more focused response to vulnerable people who have been victims of crime, those who are currently subject to crime and anti-social behaviour or people that have come forward as witnesses. It will enable Progress Housing Group to continue to work with victims and witnesses and offer a 24/7 service.