Pamplona bull chase to be recreated in Preston '“ just without the bulls

Pamplona bull runPamplona bull run
Pamplona bull run
Pamplona's famous bull running festival is coming to Preston '“ just without the bulls.

No Bull! is a recreation of the popular Spanish tradition with a twist.

Rob Gregson of Preston-based arts organisation Derelict said: “We want to get as many people together wearing the traditional white colours with red sashes, running through the streets, parks, alleys and market places of the city centre to create our very first Preston Bull Run – without the bull.

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“We encourage groups of friends, families and communities to get together and put their own twist on this stomping good fun run.

“Red sashes will be provided on the day, all participants are expected to wear white.”

No Bull! is set to take place on Saturday, September 22, at 4pm with runners starting the chase from Preston’s Covered Market.

Email [email protected] to sign up for the free event which is part of Lancashire Encounter Festival.

Years ago Bull Baiting took place on Preston’s Flag Market until it was banned in 1726 but the remains of the bull ring still exist to this day.

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