Leyland Truck Trail attacked by vandals

The truck outside Worden Park has been damagedThe truck outside Worden Park has been damaged
The truck outside Worden Park has been damaged
Part of The Leyland Truck Trail has been damaged in an act of  "mindless vandalism", say police.

Officers say that vandals etched names and damaged the body work of a truck parked outside the entrance Worden Park.

The damage is believed to have been done between 20-23 July.

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A spokesman for the police said: "We are sorry to have to say that the one of the trucks in the truck trail has been damaged by one or more vandals.

The truck outside Worden Park has been damagedThe truck outside Worden Park has been damaged
The truck outside Worden Park has been damaged

"The truck has had the body work damaged and names etched in to the truck, the names etched are `CONNOR R` `AJ` `ADAM N` `LIAM B` `MARY` `FAT JAMIE`.

"This is nothing more than mindless vandalism which doesn’t show our community in the best light to visitors to our town and serves no purpose or gain, not even for the offender.

If you witnessed the damage being caused or you know anything that may assist our on-going enquiry in to the damage please email us."

Anyone with information can contact police via [email protected] or call Crime Stoppers, free and in confidence, on 0800 555 111.