Chorley IT worker Brett Cornthwaite assaulted partner in drunken row over unpausing television

Preston Magistrates' CourtPreston Magistrates' Court
Preston Magistrates' Court
Shocked neighbours witnessed a woman dragged by her hair as she screamed for her partner to put the electricity back on in her house.

Brett Cornthwaite, who works full time as a project manager for an IT company, admitted assaulting her after an argument over unpausing the television, Preston Magistrates’ Court was told.

Alex Mann, prosecuting, said: “ She hasn’t made a statement, it was a neighbour who witnessed an event and was concerned for the safety of her, and made a call to police.

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“She says an incident took place on at 8.45pm on February 24 on Longworth Street, Chorley. She was at home and could hear screaming outside the address.

Preston Magistrates' CourtPreston Magistrates' Court
Preston Magistrates' Court

“She says she could see him grabbing her by her right arm shouting: ‘Get out’ and her shouting: ‘No’.

“She says he was unable to drag her outside and let her go. She was shouting: ‘Turn the electricity back on.’”

The court heard Cornthwaite then grabbed the woman by her hair and dragged her back into the house.

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Mrs Mann added: “She said she could hear more screams coming from the address, with the house still in darkness. Police then turned up.

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“The defendant has no relevant convictions but there is a recent caution for assault and damage.

Defending, Craig McKenzie said: “ This is a relatively new relationship - they’ve been living together 16 months.

“The common denominator is when they are both in alcohol. On this particular day they’ve been out together watching football.

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“They got home at 7pm, both had consumed some alcohol and there was argument, it seems to be pretty innocuous.

“There was a suggestion he had unpaused the TV. There was some screaming and he attempted to remove her from the address.

He appreciates things cannot go on like this.”

The bench imposed a rehabilitation requirement and 80 hours unpaid work.

If you are affected by this story you can contact SafeNet on 0300 303 3581 or the Mankind Initiative on 01823 334244.