Are you ready for children to go back to school? Here are your views...

Would you send your child to school in June if they were the guidelines?Would you send your child to school in June if they were the guidelines?
Would you send your child to school in June if they were the guidelines?
We asked our readers and followers on Facebook what they thought about the possibility of children returning to school.

There is currently no plan of children returning to school, as is the case with most things, the focus is on the current lockdown.

But we wanted to know what our readers around Lancashire thought and whether they would be ready to send their children into school.

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There were those for and against, and here's what some had to say on it...

Steph Courtnage said: "Yes, but I hope the Government take the time to carefully plan it out before (staggered maybe?) instead of throwing them back in. The lockdown wasn't well planned out and poor school staff were dumped with it without much notice!"

Donna Louise Podmore said: "I think it's far too soon with the amount of deaths still happening, my best interest is my children and I think it's still not safe to do so."

Eliza Beth said: "It depends if there's any real evidence that there's any difference between June or September or beyond. We're a while off a vaccine yet so I'm not sure there would be much difference now we're past the peak? They would have to allow some children to continue to be homeschooled though for those living with vulnerable people."

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Caroline Lowton said: "Yes - my children already attend a few days as I am a key worker. The detrimental effect on their mental health of being off at home for very lengthy time, isolated from peers, without structure is more harmful. Research is saying kids do not spread the virus, it is a very mild illness if they do get it. We need to build immunity anyway as a vaccine may be a long way off. Schools will try to put social distance measures in place and will now on implement better hygiene measures."

Ally Marie said: "No way, my little one has learning disabilities, asthma and autism. I won't be sending her back anytime soon. We've been in lockdown now for two months and we'll be staying in lockdown until it's 100 per cent safe to come out."

Pemsie Louise Finney said: "Unfortunately some of us don’t have a choice! I’m a single parent and a key worker. I don’t have the luxury to be able to stay at home and so my daughter is in school."

Danielle Cartwright said: "I think they should phase children back in, starting with the year six kids and year 10s, then slowly introduce more classes back to them. What about these key workers who have contact with lots of people throughout the day then go home to their families? Their children are still at risk, but in saying that, I do think it should be optional to those who are more vulnerable, and if they want to continue to home school then let them."

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Lucy Allen said: "Being a key worker my daughter has been attending school since lockdown, the teachers are doing an amazing job with hand washing and precautions in place, but I’m not sure how well it will work with a full school."

Lisa Consermester said: "I don't want my son going back too soon however I would like him to have the chance to say goodbye to his friends as his school closed before lockdown, he's in year 6 and not following any of his friends in high school."

Tracy Worden said: "Yes because they're driving me insane... And no because I want to know they're going to be safe from the virus!​"