Out of the mouths of babes - coronavirus message from nursery tots

Children from Lilliput Kiddie Care made posters to urge people to stay home and stay safeChildren from Lilliput Kiddie Care made posters to urge people to stay home and stay safe
Children from Lilliput Kiddie Care made posters to urge people to stay home and stay safe | other
Youngsters from a Blackpool nursery have been spreading their own coronavirus safety message.

Tiny tots from the Lilliput Kiddie Care centre in Boscombe Road can't take part in their usual session at the moment.

However, staff have arranged to find a way to make sure no-one misses out on the fun.

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They've set up a special online site where the children and their families can all talk to each other , and they are being set daily challenges to make sure the children keep up with their learning.

The nursery, which caters for 73 children, is run by Granny Jean ( Shaw) and her daughter Tracey and although Jean, who will be 70 in September, is in isolation at home, she's still getting involved in the running of the institution.

Tracey said: " The children we have belonging to key workers or are vulnerable are being cared for at home or by an alternative care in the area and we have been offering support when needed.

" We are teaching our children remotely. They are really a bit too young to understand what is going on but they need the reassurance of continuity and not lose the bond they have with us.

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"So, we've opened up out private account so that all the parents can get involved and speak to each other.

"All the pre-schoolchildren have a learning folder and the team has video chats with their children and parents

All fees have been suspended and Tracey added: "We are setting daily tasks and one of them was to make a little poster about the stay safe message and one of our parents, Leanne Casey put them all together to form a massive collage."

Tracey added that the children were enjoying the online interaction and said that each evening staff are reading bedtime stories and they all get a special message from Granny Jean.

Staff are also on standby to help the Blackpool Council early years team when needed.