Readers' letters - February 28

I will support the little guys for once

It has always puzzled me why so many people allow slick advertising campaigns to persuade them to give so much of their money to huge national charities – where their donations will hardly be noticed – rather than to small groups.

Even one per cent of the money which goes to, say, Children in Need, would be manna from heaven to local people giving their time and energy to helping others – sometimes just around the corner from your own street.

It’s your money, for heaven’s sake.

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You need to take charge of it yourself, not leave it to someone else to decide what to do with it.

A local hospice, for example, or any of numerous community groups in your area will

use your generosity well – and most importantly you will know, more or less exactly, what it’s been spent on.

This year, I have made a resolution not to give to Children in Need, Sport Relief, Oxfam, Save the Children, Cancer Research or most other big charities.

No, I’m going to support the little guys for once.

And I suggest you do

the same.

Hugh Rogers

Address supplied


There’s no local

Utopia here

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While understanding the sentiment suggested by Ross Chambers (LP Letters, February 22), I regret that he demonstrates a naïve view as to the current state of play with regard to our local buses.

We mainly have two companies running services in and out of Preston: Stagecoach and Preston Bus.

The latter is actually run by a company called Rotala and I regret to inform Ross that this company is based in Oldbury in the West Midlands. Stagecoach itself is a Scottish company and its South Lancashire area, which includes Preston, is run from Liverpool. Thus hardly what one may call local.

Thus, while these companies may give employment to local people, who will no doubt spend some of their cash in Preston, it is not quite the Utopian dream.

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While I appreciate Ross’s endeavour in trying to create a localised (rather that a nationalised) public transport system, I am sure the present companies would have quite a bit to say on the matter.

Now, 50 or so years ago, when we had Ribble (HQ in Frenchwood), BBMS, based in Bamber Bridge, Fishwick’s, based in Leyland, and Preston Corporation Transport (HQ along Deepdale Road) that Utopian state did exist, but not now.

Thus it seems, Ross, that your revolution started quite some years back, except this one was in reverse in that Ribble first took over BBMS, then Ribble themselves were taken over by Stagecoach, which also recently took over some of Fishwick’s routes when it folded, and Preston Bus became part of Rotala with its now Diamond buses also taking over some other local routes. Let us hope the trams do better! At least they will not knock down the Fishergate Bollard!

Neil Swindlehurst

Walmer Bridge


Dog walkers, beware of drugs

On February 20, while walking my dog on Beacon Fell, pictured, he found and ate some discarded drugs.

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The effect was that my dog lost control of his legs, had fits and loss of overall muscle control.

It suppressed his heart rate, affected his eyesight and hearing, and he became incontinent.

Fortunately, he is a big dog and, with good veterinary care, he has recovered.

If he was a smaller dog, he may well have succumbed. If you are a dog walker on Beacon Fell, beware.

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If you are one of the drug users, please be aware of the consequences of your actions.

Stephen Cooper



Health contract lacks sense

Re: Healthy Child programme.

I cannot understand how Lancashire County Council (LCC) can bind themselves to a long-term contract with an alternative supplier just to save £14,000.

What evidence do

they have that Virgin will provide a significantly improved level of service?

David Hollinghurst

via email

animal welfare

What about

the chickens?

It’s curious how KFC fans are more concerned about not eating a favourite takeaway meal than the welfare of the chickens themselves.

Jane, Lancashire