Here's how you can still take the Great British Intelligence Test, and what your results mean

The results of the BBC’s Great British Intelligence Test may have already been declared, but the test itself is still available to take.

Dr Michael Mosley and Dr Hannah Fry shared the findings on a special edition BBC Two show Horzion on Monday night (4 May).

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But the test – created in conjunction with Imperial College London – is still available, and “with the nation staying at home, and with more time on our hands”, serves as a perfect time waster.

“Now’s your chance to flex your brain muscles,” say the BBC.

Here’s everything you need to know about it:

How do I take the test?

Actually navigating your way to the test is the easy part. Just head to the website here and get going.

Once you’re there, things get a little tougher, logic-wise; the test is made up of 10 separate parts, including exercises like spatial awareness and memory.

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The full test can take over half an hour to complete, so make sure you set aside a bit of time if you wish to take it seriously.

Once you’re finished, you’ll be given a score based on your performance, which you can use to compare your mental dexterity to others who have taken the test.

The results page will also give you a rundown of what your mental strengths are.

What do my results mean?

If you’re wondering just how accurately the test is able to rank you based on the nation’s intelligence, it’s worth remember that over 250,000 have taken the test.