Kate faces a long chocolate and Diet Coke break for charity

Kate MalesKate Males
Kate Males
Giving up one food vice is hard enough, but one charity worker is ditching chocolate AND Diet Coke for one year.

Kate Males, of Much Hoole, is ready to take on the challenge to raise funds for International Aid Trust and the Rosemere cancer unit at Royal Preston Hospital.

The 31-year-old has admitted she will face temptations as she decorates cakes for a hobby and she is addicted to Diet Coke, but she is determined to help two charities close to her heart.

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She said: “For me this is huge. Diet Coke is the drink I use to wake up, as well as my drink when I’m out or at home.

“I’ve tried to stop drinking it before but the headaches and mood swings from the caffeine comedown has been unbearable and I’ve started drinking it again.

Chocolate, as a cake decorator hobbyist and someone with a major sweet tooth, is a huge part of my life. It is my go-to food of choice.

“I have a seven-year-old stepdaughter, called Caitlyn, who also likes her chocolate. It will be hard watching her eat it, especially when she offers me some. I have explained I won’t be allowed to eat it and drink Diet Coke, but of course I’d never deny her from eating chocolate which will make it hard.

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"I’m going to have to plan very carefully for outings and things and make sure I either take juice with me or remember not to subconsciously order Diet Coke. And I won’t be cheating, I won’t be going for diet Pepsi instead.

“Those who know me will know what a challenge this will be and to set it not for a day, a week or a month, but a whole year will take more discipline and encouragement then I’ve ever needed before.”

Kate, who is an administrative assistant for International Aid Trust, aims to raise more than £5,000 for her chosen charities.

She said: “International Aid Trust does amazing things, helping those less fortunate with humanitarian aid such as food, clothes and medical supplies in both the UK and overseas.

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“They get a lot of support for their overseas work but little finances to aid their UK appeals.

“Half of the money I raise through this personal challenge will go towards helping them continue their work, including the running of the warehouse and office, in the UK.

“A couple of people in my family have been cared for by Rosemere, which is run by volunteers. I was touched by one of the volunteers who saw I was upset and sat with me, making me feel it would be okay.

“These people do amazing work and they need donations to ensure they can continue running the unit and offer the advice, support and service like I received.

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“I would be so grateful if people could support the challenge and share my charity page to get this noticed.

“If it reaches 5,000 people and each of those gives just £1 (instead of spending it on a chocolate bar or Diet Coke ) to support me I will raise my target with ease.

“I will be running this page for the full year and updating regularly with my trials, tribulations and pictures of torment to help keep people informed of my progress.”

Kate’s challenge starts on September 1.

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